Lichen Planus is a non- infectious inflammatory skin disease. It usually affects the inside of your mouth or the skin of arms and legs. One school of thought believes that it is an autoimmune disease though another group disagrees. It affects mostly people above the age of 30 years. This does not mean that younger people cannot have this disease.
What causes Lichen PlanusAlthough there is no clear consensus on what causes the disease, certain factors are known to contribute to the incidence. Such factors are as follows.
- Stress is a known contributory factor. Most patients who have LP report an aggravation in their symptoms during phases of stress.
- Hepatitis C is another factor known to contribute towards incidence of Lichen Planus.
- Viral infections like Herpes Zoster also tend to play a part in its prevalence.
- Some medicines like those for hypertension, diabetes and heart disease also increase its occurrence.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Lichen Planus
- Arsenic Album - One of the best homeopathic medicines for Lichen Planus with burning.
- Mere Sol - One of the best for homeopathic medicines for Lichen Planus with increased sweating.
- Borax - One of the best homeopathic medicines for oral Lichen Planus.
- Secale Cor - One of the best homeopathic medicines for Lichen Planus with blackish discoloration.
- Oleander - One of the best homeopathic medicines for LP on scalp.